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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Empowering women to embrace the joy of healing from their past and reclaiming their identity unlocking an abundant life of purpose, joy, and peace.

Joyously heal and live your best life!

Download my free healing guide

10 Bold Steps to Unapologetic Healing

Ready to kickstart this journey? Grab my FREEBIE. "10 Bold Steps to Unapologetic Healing" – it's your roadmap to breaking free. No more holding back; it’s time to show the world what your’e really made of!

This was one of the most incredibly transformative experiences of my life. When I first began working with Coach Dorcas, I carried the weight of numerous traumas that deeply impacted my life, in visible and invisible ways. My life is forever changed.

Strategic Perspective Shift

Identity Realignment

Speak Your Unapologetic Truth

Here's how I can help you joyously

heal from past trauma.

Let's face it. The messy, the ugly—acknowledge it ALL. Healing kicks off when we stop pretending. I want to help you remove the mask

Time to rewrite your story. From victim to victor. Yeah, we're flipping the script. Your perspective of yourself needs some realignment.

Trauma is not your identity and it's time to peel off the layers that aren't yours. It's like finding your SECRET SAUCE in your own soul.

Ready to start joyously healing?

Your past pain is no longer worthy of your attention so let it go! It has been holding you back long enough and it is time for you embrace healing, reclaim your identity in Christ, and live your most abundant life through FAITH, HOPE, and STRENGTH!


Coach Dorcas

Heyyy, it's your girl

...the Jesus Groupie, wife, mother, speaker, author,  certified coach, and your biggest cheerleader!

"I've been through it all – childhood trauma of abandonment and molestation, rape, addiction, anxiety, and moments when giving up felt like the only option.


But, my trauma is a thing of the PAST.


As a successful coach, speaker, author, and the force behind Women of Hope Magazine, my focus is completely on HEALING...YOUR HEALING. It is the key to not only a peace that surpasses all understand and an unspeakable joy, but to experiencing your most abundant life.


Together, we'll shed the weight of your past and embrace a future grounded in the joy of healing. "

You're ready to live your most purpose-filled, abundant life, free from the pain of your past.
You're not just looking for a coach; you're looking for someone who understands the power of speaking your unapologetic truth and embracing the peace that comes with aligning your identity with Christ.
You're tired of living under the shadow of your past trauma, craving a space to transform and release the weight of it all.

You're in the right place if...

Embrace the journey, speak your truth, and step into the abundant life waiting for you. Today is the day to break free from the shadows of your past and align your identity with Christ. Take the first step toward healing, purpose, and unapologetic joy. Your transformation starts now

My experience with Coach Dorcas was life-changing. The tools I received were the best I’ve ever had in all of my years of being in therapy. I’ve never been so happy living and knowing how to manage and let go! I’m beyond grateful.

Services Offered


Heal, reclaim, elevate!

Helping embrace the joy of healing from past trauma so that you can show up authentically and elevate in life and business.


Discover healing, purpose, and empowerment through Dorcas' dynamic speaking. Heal and find your authentic self with faith-centered transformation."

Join The Haven

We we're not just a community; we're a tribe of incredible black women on a mission. We're all about healing without any apologies, rocking joy like a boss, and lifting each other up with an authentic and powerful energy.

Imagine a spot where healing isn't a chore but a part of your daily vibe, and joy is your crown, worn with pride. Yup, that's us! The Haven of H.O.P.E. is your space to kick off your shoes, be your fabulous self, and soak in those good vibes.

Ready to join this journey, sis?

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